Start the Year off Right. Review and update your estate plan.

Jan 8, 2010

Now that the holidays are over and many of us are on that New Year’s resolution kick to organize our lives, it is time to review and update your estate plan.  Some things to consider:

  1. Life changes – Has your family experienced any births, deaths, or divorces over the last year?
  2. Beneficiary changes – Make sure the beneficiary designations are current on your life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and bank accounts.  Also make sure these designations are consistent with your overall estate plan.  
  3. Address and Phone Number Changes.  If you have a health care directive, make sure the contact information is current for your designated health care agent.  Same goes for any designation of temporary custodians for minor children.

If you have any changes or questions on a potential change, be sure to ask your estate planning lawyer for advice.

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